Providing home-like, supportive end-of-life care and respite
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Car Boot Sale

November 10 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Car Boot Sale


Come join us in the Rosehaven grounds on Sunday 10th November for the biggest Car Boot Sale you’ve ever seen!
Enjoy the BBQ kindly run by ‘A Third Hand’, grab a delicious baked treat at the cake stall or take a tour around the house and grounds.
A perfect opportunity to declutter before Christmas, so go it alone or join forces with a friend to sell all those unwanted goods and reap the rewards, or donate to Rosehaven – the choice is yours!
Booking and entry fee payment to be made at our Rosehaven Shop, 46 High St, from Monday 21st October.
Check out the flyer for more details…spots are limited so be quick!

Rosehaven Grounds

Malcolm Street 82A
Mansfield, Victoria 3722 Australia